Excerpt: “The phone call—the call everyone hoped for, and everyone dreaded—came at 2:00 am. “We have a heart for Brody*,” the voice said. Everyone hoped for the call because 12-year-old Brody had been on the heart transplant list for many days, and before long his condition would deteriorate to the point where he would no longer be considered a good candidate for a heart transplant. When that happened, he would be removed from the list, taking with it his last hope. But on this day, Brody and his family were about to receive an incredible gift–the gift of a new heart, the gift of a new life.” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “Have you ever felt that you were never good enough?…….Martin Luther felt that way, too. The beliefs and superstitions of his religion filled him with fear of……” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “Fifty-year-old Richard was the picture of health and a model citizen, a family man who was loved by his kids, his church and his community. However, his influence abruptly ceased one Sunday morning when, without warning, he just dropped dead. As the family made funeral arrangements, they awaited a report concerning the mysterious cause of death. The verdict soon came in: heart attack.” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “En el Puerto de Nueva York en la Isla de la Libertad se encuentra el grandioso monumento—La Estatua de La Libertad. Su mensaje resuena en los corazones humanos a nivel mundial. Libertad. ¡Cuán Valiosa! Sin embargo tristemente, un día la libertad misma será prohibida por el ser humano, gobiernos, y naciones. Acontecerá de esta forma.” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “Michael Jackson’s untimely death on June 25, 2009 shocked the world. At his July 7 memorial service at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, actress Brooke Shields valiantly attempted to comfort the King of Pop’s grieving fans when she tearfully moaned….” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “The fact of the matter is that when you know something is counterfeit, there is an original. No getting around that. Rolex. Gucci. Knock-offs. That’s just the way it goes.
Excerpt: “Evolution’s explanation for all the varied life forms on earth is an impossibility. That’s the perspective of a growing number of scientists who are willing to take the bold step of saying so. Following are four of the many compelling reasons to reject evolution compiled by scientist and author John F. Ashton MSc, PhD.” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “Isaac Newton, known for making many groundbreaking discoveries in science, mathematics, and astronomy, is in fact, “considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived. (1)” A lesser known fact about Isaac Newton is his discoveries in the areas of religion, including his belief that the system of Roman Catholicism was the antichrist power.(2) Notable others held the same view such as King James himself,(3) Martin Luther (4) (Founder of the Lutheran church), John Calvin (5) (Prominent Theologian), John Wycliffe (6) (Oxford Professor), Thomas Cranmer (7) (Archbishop of Canterbury), John Knox (8), and most of the Protestant reformers.(9) Why would Newton and these intelligent men, some of them founders of churches, believe such unsavory things about an institution which runs orphanages, schools, hospitals, and has exemplary members like Mother Teresa? Simply put, they understood the book of Daniel, specifically chapter seven, in a way that many have forgotten.” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “La inesperada muerte de Michael Jackson el 25 de Junio del 2009 impactó al mundo entero. En su servicio conmemorativo llevado a cabo el 7 de Julio en el Staples Center de Los Ángeles, la actriz Brooke Shields valientemente intentó alentar a los tristes seguidores del Rey del Pop cuando con lágrimas en sus ojos dijo “Necesitamos ver hacia arriba donde sin duda alguna, él está sentado en una luna creciente.”” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “For most people, hell is simply one of a few four letter words, which they hear on a daily basis in the rage of rush hour traffic or the heated scenes of a Hollywood movie. To others though, the word hell brings back vivid childhood imaginations of an eternal roasting pit for humans which they heard about from Sunday school or from a fiery televangelist. No matter which category of people you fall into, it seems as though many, if not all of us would be better off if the concept of hell just didn’t exist at all. In fact some, in an attempt to divest their minds of such a fearful idea, make the choice to disbelieve in the idea of hell altogether, which often leads to the next step of choosing to disbelieve in a God who would create such a place……So what do we do with this terrifying idea of hell?” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “It used to be that television stations would play the national anthem and sign off sometime after midnight. No more. These days the wee hours are filled with programming. Anyone up at those hours can be pummeled with unending news, weather, and/or infomercial pitches for gadgets you never knew you needed. Even in small cities, giant superstores are open round the clock. Increasingly, we live in a 24/7 world.” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “The guards assumed she was dead and threw her into a mass grave. Miraculously, an American GI saw Edith’s hand moving… He rescued the then 60-pound girl from certain death.1” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: It is peace that you need—Heaven’s forgiveness and peace and love in the soul. Money cannot buy it, intellect cannot procure it, wisdom cannot attain to it; you can never hope, by your own efforts, to secure it. But God offers it to you as a gift, “without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1). It is yours if you will but reach out your hand and grasp it. The Lord says, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you” (Ezekiel 36:26).” Read the complete tract here.
Excerpt: “The first speeding ticket ever issued was given to a man named Walter Arnold of East Pekham…..for driving 8mph …in a 2 mph …zone.” Read the complete tract here.